Welcome to Drama Kook!

Hello there! I’m glad you stopped by! Whether you’re an avid watcher of Asian dramas (Kdramas, Cdramas, TWdramas, Jdramas) or just someone who happened to find this website filled with crazy ranting and weird Asians, I gladly welcome you!

Why did you create this blog?

Well, I’ve been watching dramas for several years now, and I read the blogs on drama websites. But I always had something I wanted to add or an opinion I wanted to express. I also wanted to rant or rage to someone about a certain character or part in a drama, but none of my friends watch dramas (those friends that roll their eyes and sigh whenever you try to talk about dramas, haha). SO, I thought that creating a blog where I could freely share my feelings with others who watch dramas would be the best solution!

What kind of posts will you write?

Like I said above, you’ll find rants on characters or scenes in dramas. I will also write reviews of episodes of a drama that I’m watching or just an overall drama review where you’ll find my opinions on the story-line, the acting, and my recommendations for whether you should watch it or not (there will also be a section with spoilers, so if you’ve already watched that drama, then you can continue reading to find out my feelings on specific parts of the drama). Besides rants and reviews, I may include posts with my favorite scenes from dramas, the saddest scenes from dramas, the funniest, etc. My posts can vary as I post whatever I feel the need to say, and I’ll also ask for opinions from you guys!

If you like my stuff, bookmark my blog or follow me!